
Is It Time to Go for Hip Arthroscopy?

A healthy hip allows for pain-free mobility. However, when something is wrong with your hip, the joints may get inflamed and painful, thus affecting your daily activities. Hip issues are common among athletes and active individuals, and the doctor may use different approaches to manage the condition.

Hip arthroscopy is commonly used to manage various hip conditions, including hip impingement, labral tears, tendon tears, and bursitis. It is a minimally invasive procedure, and the decision to go for the treatment depends on several factors.

 What is hip arthroscopy, and what does the procedure entail?

Hip arthroscopy involves using small incisions and specialized equipment to access and repair issues within the hip joint. If you suspect hip injuries, the surgeon will examine your hip joint and determine whether you qualify for hip arthroscopy.

Reasons why you may need hip Arthroscopy

 There are various reasons why your orthopedic surgeon may recommend hip arthroscopy. These include;

  • Hip Impingement 

Hip impingement occurs after abnormal contact between the hip bones, leading to pain and cartilage damage. In this case, your surgeon may recommend Arthroscopy to reshape the bones and alleviate impingement.

Labral tears

Tears in the labrum can lead to pain and affect your hip mobility. If this happens, Arthroscopy can help repair or trim the torn labrum.

  • Synovitis

 Inflammation to the joint lining may require Arthroscopy to eliminate the inflamed tissue.

  • Loose bodies

If small pieces of cartilage break off and float around in the joint, this may cause pain. Arthroscopy can help eliminate these loose bodies.

  • Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is where the hip socket is shallow and may not adequately cover the femoral head. Arthroscopy may then be used in combination with other procedures to enhance joint stability.

  • Snapping Hip Syndrome

 Snapping hip syndrome s a condition that causes a snapping sensation in the hip during movement. This happens because the tendons slide over the bones, and Arthroscopy can be used to resolve the issue.

  • Hip infection

 Hip joint infections are common and may be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. The surgeon may perform Arthroscopy to clean the joint and remove infected tissue.

What to expect during hip arthroscopy 

You will attend a pre-operative appointment, and the surgeon will examine your hip. They will also order tests such as; X-rays, MRI, or CT scans to assess the condition of your hip joint.

Anesthesia will be used during the procedure, and you won’t feel any pain. Sometimes, the surgery may use regional anesthesia (spinal or epidural), allowing you to be awake but numb from the waist.

The surgeon will make multiple small incisions around your hip joint. These are usually about 5-10mm and will act as entry points for the arthroscope and other surgical instruments. The arthroscope will be inserted into your hip joint through one of the incisions. It features a camera that sends real-time images to a monitor, allowing the surgeon to visualize every part of your hip joint.

The surgeon will diagnose abnormalities or damage in your hip joint based on the findings. They may also perform various surgical treatments, such as removing loose fragments, trimming the labrum, or fixing tendon issues.

In summary, your surgeon may recommend hip arthroscopy for various reasons. Follow the pre- and post-care instructions to get the most out of the procedure. Also, avoid exerting too much weight on your hip, and attend all the post-operative appointments to ensure full recovery.

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